Instant Theatre mit Pag Naylor

Instant Theatre mit Pag Naylor


Pag Naylor, ein freier Künstler aus Leeds, entwickelte mit den 7. Klassen des Gymnasiums Grafing eine Art Improvisationstheater. Das Skript dazu erfanden die Schüler zunächst selbst, spontan, Stück für Stück, und sehr kreativ, indem sie genau auf Pags kleinschrittige Fragen antworten mussten. Im Anschluss durften sie selbst in die verschiedenen Rollen schlüpfen und ihr eigenes Theater performen. Folgende verrückte Geschichte kam dabei heraus:

Susi is 10 years old and usually wears red shoes. She plays football and she is funny and nice, but she is a little bit fat. One day at midnight she walked through Forest Gump because her middle size dog Jacky, a Bernasenne dog had run away. So she was looking for him. Susi shouted: “Where are you Jacky?” She shouted again. Suddenly there was a white, old house. The paint has already been crumbling from the wall. Now a naked man came out of the house. Susi saw her dog Jacky behind the man. Then she asked the man: “Who are you?” The man answered that he was an old wizard, but Susi was a wizard, too, however, not a very good one. So she said: “Abrakadabra”, and suddenly everybody wore a dress. Then Jacky came out of the house and flew away. Susi said: “Actio”, and her magic broom came to her. So the girl followed her flying dog. At once they were in Pittsburgh in the modern Underwatercity, but nobody of the them could swim. Suddenly Susi saw the man in the dress again. Immediately she touched Jacky´s nose. Then a zombie, which is the girl´s teacher, came along. The zombie`s name was “hermother”. After that the man shouted: “Help me, please!” However the girl and said: “Bye, bye!” Then the man hollered: “On the ground there is gold!” But Susi didn`t believe him and realized that it was a trap, so she answered that he was stupid. So he died drowning in the water. Hermother heard it that there was gold under the water and swam to the ground, too. But suddenly a big crocodile came and grabbed her by her feet. So her real mother shouted: “Help me. Arrgggrarr.” And then she was eaten. After that Susi`s dog Jacky flew in to the sky, again. So he took her with him. Suddenly Susi blew up, like a big balloon because she was allergic to pure water, oh dear! Immediately she bursted into a lot of confetti. Suddenly she woke up and noticed that it was a dream. She saw that her dog was sleeping on the floor and she was in her room. Then her real mother came into her room. Thereat, however, she looked out of her window and realized that she`s in Pittsburgh after all! So she said herself: “Oh my God!!!” Then she looked to Jacky and asked: “Why does he wear a dress?! O dear!”

(Hannah Lang, 7d; Daniela Mantrino)